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Xuất hiện màn hình xanh khi kết nối với PLC-S bằng cáp USB?
Xuất hiện màn hình xanh khi kết nối với PLC-S bằng cáp USB?
Q: How to solve Windows Blue Screen when PLC-S is connected by USB driver in CICON software?
A: Remove the currently installed USB driver and reinstall the updated driver. This improved USB driver has been included in CICON V6.10.
1. Click Windows Start → Control Panel → Device Manager → Universal Serial Bus
2. Select and Right-click “CIMON PLC USB Driver for CICON.”
Depending on your PC type, the USB driver is named differently as shown below:
+ 64bit: CIMON PLC USB Driver
+ 32bit: KDTUsbDRv
You are about to delete the currently installed USB driver which causes Windows Blue Screen.
3. When the popup menu appears, select “Uninstall.”
4. Make sure to mark and select “Delete the driver software for this device” as shown below.
Otherwise, previous version will be reinstalled again instead of the newly updated driver.
5. Click Action → “Scan for hardware changes.”
6. Right-click “Unknown device” or “CIMON PLC” and select [Update Driver Software].
7. Select [Browse my computer for driver software].
8. Select [Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer].
9. Select [Universal Serial Bus controllers].
10. Select the button [Have Disk].
11. Select [Browse].
12. Search for the newly improved CIMON PLC USB driver (as attached in the email)
13. Select the improved “CIMON PLC USB Driver for CICON” and click Next.
14. Confirm the reinstallation of the newly updated CIMON PLC USB Driver for CICON
15. After the reinstallation, the driver will be displayed in Device Manager as shown below.