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Tự khởi động Scada CimonX cùng PC
Tự khởi động Scada CimonX cùng PC?
Q: How to run CIMON-X at PC start-up?
A: Please refer to the instructions below.
*This start-up function can be applied on Windows 7, 8 and 10 respectively.
1. Run CIMON-X.
At CIMON-D, go to [File] => [Open Project] menu and select the project to open.
2. After executing a project, close CIMON-X.
3. Go to SCADA installation folder.
Mouse right-click on file “Cimon.exe”, and create a shortcut
4. Copy this shortcut file, and paste it to [Start] => [All Program] => [Startup].
5. Restart the Windows, and CIMON-X is executed at Startup