MC&TT Co., Ltd

Giới thiệu sản phẩm, giải pháp Bo mạch (Card) điều khiển chuyển động Motion Control hãng ICP DAS

Chia sẻ:

As a leading automation solutions provider, ICP DAS not only provides PAC solutions, but also develops PC-based solutions for machine automation applications, including the PCI bus motion control cards and the ISA bus motion control cards series. In addition, we also offer a variety of quick-connect terminal blocks for a range of servo motors, including Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Yaskawa, Delta, etc. which helps customers quickly implement the installation and reduce the potential for using the incorrect wiring.

PCI / PCIe Motion Control Cards

No. of Axes 2 3 4 8 6
Command Type Pulse command Pulse command, V command
Operation Mode Semi-closed Loop Full-closed Loop
Semi-closed Loop
Position Control Mode Incremental mode Incremental mode
and Absolute mode
Speed Profile T/S-curve T-curve T/S-curve -
Synchronous Action - 10 activation factors
and 14 actions
Digital Input  Channels Local:2 DI
Expandable: 128 DI
8 Local:4 DI
Expandable: 128 DI
Local:4 DI Local: 4 DI
Expandable: 128 DI
Local: 8 DI
Expandable: 128 DI
Local: 12 DI
Expandable: 128 DI
Expandable: 128 DI
Digital Output Channels Local:2 DO
Expandable: 128 DO
7 Local:4 DO
Expandable: 128 DO
- Local: 4 DO
Expandable: 128 DO
Local: 8 DO
Expandable: 128 DO
Local: 3 DO
Expandable: 128 DO
Expandable: 128 DO
PC Bus Type 5 V PCI bus Universal PCI bus 5 V PCI bus 3.3 V/5 V Universal PCI PCI Express x1 Universal PCI bus
Axis I/O Latch Input - High-Speed 5 V or 24 V NPN
Mechanical Switch Input Home, LMT+/-, NHOME, EMG Home, forward,
backward limit, EMG
Home, LMT+/-,
Position Compare Output - 10 KHz (X and Y only) High-Speed 5 V TTL
or 24 V open collector
(2 of any 4 axes)
High-Speed 5 V TTL
or 24 V open collector
(4 of any 8 axes)
High-Speed 5 V TTL
or 24 V open collector
Servo Interface Input INP, ALM - INP, ALM INP, ALM, RDY
Servo Interface Output SVON SVON, ALM_RST, ERC
Encoder Input Counter Width 32-bit
Counting Rate 4 MHz (Max.) 1 MHz (Max.) 4 MHz (Max.)  12 MHz
Mode A/B pulse, Up/Down A/B phase, CW/CCW, PULSE/DIR A/B pulse, Up/Down
Interpolation Cicular 2 axes Any 2 axes 2 groups of 2 axes Interpolation Any 2 to 3 of 6 axes -
Helical - Any 3 of 6 axes -
Linear 2 axes Any 2 to 3 of 3 axes Any 2 to 3 of 4 axes 2 groups of 2 to 3 axes Interpolation Any 2 to 6 of 6 axes -
Pulse Output Counter Width 32-bit -
Rate 4 MHz (Max.) 1 MHz (Max.) 4 MHz (Max.)


Encoder Boards

Model No. of Axes PC Bus Digital Output Encoder Input Pulse Output
Type Channels Counting Rate Mode Counter Width
PISO-ENCODER300U 3 Universal PCI bus 8 4 MHz (Max.) Quadrant, CW/CCW, PULSE/DIR 32-bit
PCIe-ENCODER300 3 PCI Express bus 8 4 MHz (Max.) Quadrant, CW/CCW, PULSE/DIR 32-bit


ISA Bus Motion Control Cards

Model STEP-200 SERVO-300 ENCODER300
No. of Axes 2 3
Command Type Pulse Command Voltage command -
Operation Mode Open loop Simulation, closed loop, open loop -
Position Control Mode Incremental mode and absolute mode - -
Servo Update Rate - 3 ms / 3 axes -
Connector 25-pin D-Sub 9-pin male and 25-pin female D-Sub 25-pin D-Sub
Speed Profile T-curve -
Digital Input  Channels - 8 -
Digital Output Channels - 7 -
PC Bus Type ISA Bus
Axis I/O Mechanical Switch Input Home, forward, backward limit, EMG -
Position Compare Output 10 KHz -
Servo Interface Output SVON -
Encoder Input Counter Width - 32-bit -
Counting Rate - 1 MHz (Max.)
Ring Counter Mode 32-bit -
Mode - A/B Phase Quadrant, CW_CCW, PULSE_DIR
Interpolation Cicular - Any 2 axes -
Linear - Any 2 to 3 of 3 axes -
Pulse Output Counter Width 32-bit 12-bit +/-10 V 16 bit
Rate 250 KHz (Max.) -


  • Semiconductor Manufacturing
  • Component Inspection
  • Manufacturing Quality Control
  • Food and Beverage Inspection
  • Microscopy and Medical Imaging
  • Biometrics Applications
  • X-Y-Z Table
  • Fix-pitch Stamping Machinery
  • Transfer Machinery
  • Spinner
  • Load/Unload   

Application System Structure

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