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Thiết lập ID và mật khẩu cho tag?
Thiết lập ID và mật khẩu cho tag?
Q: How to set security (user ID and password) on the EntryData object directly without having a different login button?
A: Create two different objects with three different functions included. Object #1 has “EntryData” and “Visible” functions while object #2 has “Touch” function which would act as a login button. And then group these two different objects into one single object.
1. Register one analog tag for “EntryData” and another digital tag for “Visible” functions.
2. Create two “Tag Value” objects.
3. For the Object 1, register “Visible” function with the digital tag attached.
4. For the Object 1, register also “EntryData” function with the analog tag.
5. For the Object 1, go to “Security” tap and enter 50 for the “Security Level.” Security level as 1 has the highest authorization whereas security level as 100 has the lowest authorization
6. Set up a Security feature
Ex) User ID – Cimon, Level – 30, Password – 1, Log In Action: Visible = 1
7. For the Object 2, register “Touch” function which would act as a login button. Use “Command Expression” for the Action Script “LogIn()”
8. For the object 2, make sure to mark “Use User Group.”
9. Now that you have two different objects with three different functions, combine these two into one single object by grouping.
10. Activate CimonX.