MC&TT Co., Ltd

Chức năng Print không hoạt động trên Scada CimonX

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Chức năng Print không hoạt động trên Scada CimonX?

Q: Print-out feature does not operate properly on CIMON-X.

A: Print option must be initialized in the file “DesignEi.dat” of project folder.

“DesignEi.dat” file includes an initial setting information about printer, page position and page size. When printer name in file “DesignEi.dat” does not match with printer name of PC, this can cause an error with printing-out of CIMON-X.

To resolve this issue

1. Go to SCADA project folder, and open a file “DesignEi.dat” with Notepad.

2. Delete the highlighted two lines of print option, and save the file as shown below.

3. Run a project again, and execute the printing feature by using commands “HardCopy()” or “HardCopyEx”.

When printing-out does not work

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