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Giới thiệu bộ lập trình nhúng Linux PAC-LP-8000 hãng ICP DAS
Nowadays, Linux has been adopted widely by many users because of the properties of stability, open source, and free of charge. In the mean while, owing to the great supports from more and more companies and the mature development, Linux is now becoming one of the most popular OS on the market. Furthermore the hardware requirements of Linux OS in embedded system is not high, just only 386 CPU or better and 8 MB RAM. Therefore, besides Win CE of Microsoft, Linux has been already become another good choice in embedded OS.
The LinPAC-8000 is a second generation Linux-based PAC from ICP DAS and is equipped with a powerful CPU module running a Linux kernel 2.6/3.x operating system, various communication interfaces (VGA, USB, Ethernet and RS-232/485) and slots for both high performance parallel bus type (high profile I-8K series) and serial bus type (high profile I-87K series) I/O modules.
Compared with the first generation LinCon-8000, not only is the CPU performance improved have been added (from 206 MHz to 500 MHz/1 GHz) and upgraded OS from Linux kernel 2.4 to Linux kernel 2.6/3.x, but many reliability features, such as dual LAN, redundant power input, and dual battery backup SRAM, etc., making the LinPAC-8000 one of the most powerful systems available.
Architecture (LinPAC=IPC+PLC)
The LinPAC-8000 gives users all of the best features of both traditional PLCs and Windows capable PCs. The LinPAC-8000 includes a VGA port allowing users to choose a regular LCD monitor for display of HMI application, USB port to connect with Keyboard, Mouse, USB device for storage or touch monitor, micro SD/SDHC memory for storage of program and data. The figure is the general application for LinPAC-8000.
Development Environment
ICP DAS provides the library file-libi8k.a which includes all the functions of the I-7000/8000/87k series modules. Users just install LinPAC SDK in Windows PC, the cygwin environment will be established automatically and users can develop LinPAC-8000 applications easily by GNU C Language. Apart from that, users can also use Java to develop LinPAC applications as well.
Note: Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows.
Built-in Server
Web Server
Through these servers, users active web pages can be placed in the LinPAC and make LinPAC be a Web Site.
Ftp Server, Telnet Server, SSH Server
Through these servers, users can remote control and transfer files with LinPAC by encrypting mode.
UPnP allows automatic discovery and control of services available on the network from other devices without user intervention.
Supported Communication
Wireless LAN, PPP over Modem, GPRS, Ethernet, Dual LAN
LinPAC can be connected to internet by Wireless, Modem, GPRS or Ethernet method and users can also combine two LAN via LinPAC.
With VxComm Server in the LinPAC, users can remote control RS-232/422/485 COM ports in the LinPAC via users' PC.
Expansion serial ports
With the I-8000 communication modules, LinPAC-8000 can handle up to 30 serial ports.
Support USB to Serial Converter --- I-7560, I-7561, I-7563
When 7560/61/63 converter module is plugged in the LinPAC, the additional com port will be added in the LinPAC including RS-232/485.
Supported Protocol
CAN Bus Network, Industrial Modbus TCP/RTU, SNMP
Through these BUS support, the control process will be more rapid, stable and easier.
Unique Serial Number
A unique 64-bit serial number is assigned to each hardware device to protect your software against piracy.
Firewall, NAT
Firewall is also supported in the LinPAC, therefore the security will be prompted.
Virtual Private Network lets network communication with secure remote access for client computers.
JVM, JIOD( Java I/O Driver)
Users can also use Java Language to Write/Compile l/O program in the LinPAC.
Perl, PHP
The program written by Perl and PHP interpret language can be also executed in the LinPAC.
GTK+ Library
Users can write LinPAC GUI programs by using GTK+ library.
USB WebCam
When WebCam is plugged in the LinPAC, the video will show by using built-in video program.
RAM Disk
Users' programs can be saved in four places of LinPAC including: RAM, microSD, microSDHC, Flash memory.
Standard LP-8000 (Linux Kernel Inside)
The controller supports following software development tools:
1. LinPAC SDK for Linux environment
2. LinPAC SDK for Windows environment
Model | OS | CPU | System Memory | Non-Volatile Memory | Storage | VGA Resolution |
Ethernet Port |
USB Port | RS-232/ RS-485 |
I/O Slot |
LP-8121 | Linux kernel 3.2.14 | Cortex-A8, 1.0 GHz |
512 MB Flash, 4 GB microSD card |
1280 x 1024 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
LP-8421 | 4 | 4 | ||||||||
LP-8821 | 8 |
Standard LP-8000 (Linux Kernel Inside)
The controller supports following software development tools:
1. LinPAC SDK for Linux environment
2. LinPAC SDK for Windows environment
Model | OS | CPU | System Memory | Non-Volatile Memory | Storage | VGA Resolution |
Ethernet Port |
USB Port | RS-232/ RS-485 |
I/O Slot |
LP-8141-EN | Linux kernel 2.6.19 | PXA270, 520 MHz |
128 MB SDRAM | 512 KB SRAM, 16 KB EEPROM |
96 MB Flash, 4 GB microSD card |
800 x 600 |
2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
LP-8441-EN | 4 | 4 | ||||||||
LP-8841-EN | 8 |
Remote I/O Expansion
The available Ethernet I/O devices are ET-7000, ET-7200, ET-87P4/8-MTCP and I-8KE4/8-MTCP. The PAC can access them in Modbus/TCP protocol. A nModbus.dll is provided for C#, VB.net programming.
The PACs are equipped with the RS485 COM ports which enable the transmission rate up to a maximum of 115.2 Kbps. The medium for connection is a twisted-pair, multi-drop, 2-wire RS-485 network that can link I-7000, M-7000, RU-87Pn with high profile I-87K modules. To access M-7000, a nModbus.dll is provided for C#, VB.net programming. To access I-7000 and RU-87Pn with high profile I-87K modules, PACSDK is provided for C#, VB.net, VC and VB programming.
FRnet is an innovative industrial field bus that has many special features, such as high-speed deterministic I/O control, real I/O synchronization capabilities, non-protocol communication, and easy programming. With a FRnet communication module (I-8172W), the PAC can link FRnet I/O modules to implement high-speed distributed I/O (FR-2000 series). To access I-8172W, a pac_i8172w.dll is provided for C#, VB.net, VC and VB programming.
The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a serial communication way, which efficiently supports distributed real-time control with a very high level of security. It provides the error-processing mechanisms and concepts of message priority. These features can improve the network reliability and transmission efficiency. Furthermore, CAN supplies the multi-master capabilities, and is especially suited for networking“intelligent” devices as well as sensors and actuators within a system or a sub-system. With I-8123, I-8124, I-87120, the PAC is able to demonstrate every feature of CAN, CANopen, and DeviceNet.