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Cách hạ cấp phiên bản SCADA V3.03 xuống phiên bản SCADA V2.14?
Cách hạ cấp phiên bản SCADA V3.03 xuống phiên bản SCADA V2.14?
Q: How to downgrade SCADA version from V3.03 to V2.14?
A: Downgrading the SCADA PGX files from V3.03 to V2.14 is possible by using [PgxDowngrade.exe] program.
Purpose: When a user with UltimateAccess (CIMON SCADA) version 3.00 and above runs the SCADA project containing the PGX files that were drawn in the V2.14, these PGX files are automatically encoded as Unicode and can no longer be opened in the multi-byte based version 2.14. However, using this PgxDowngrade program enables the user to downgrade these PGX files back to V2.14 from V3.00-3.03.
1. Download and move the [PgxDowngrade.exe] program to the CIMON SCADA V2.14 installation folder as shown below. This program refers to the DLL files of the version 2.14 as it operates.
2. Click and run this program.
+ Project Folder Location [V3.00-V3.03]: Specify the folder path to import the V3.00-V3.03 PGX
files to be converted.
+ Folder for saving the converted PGX files [V2.14]: Specify the folder path to save the newly converted PGX files.
+ The List of converted PGX files: Display the list of successfully converted PGX files.
+ Error List: Display the error list of the PGX files that fail to be converted or the PGX files that whose objects have been removed.
+ Progress Bar: Display how many PGX pages have been converted in the form of progress bar.
+ Open the folder containing the converted PGX: Automatically open the folder containing the
newly converted PGX files (this function is enabled by default).
Functional limitations
Some of the specific objects that are added in the CIMON SCADA V3.00-3.03 will be removed when converted to V2.14.
1. Dynamic image – Since the Dynamic image object is not available in V2.14, these objects will be removed when converted from V3.00-V3.03 to V2.14.
2. Real Time Graph – Though the Real Time Graph object already exists in the V2.14, the Fast Trend feature has been added to the Real Time Graph on V3.00-3.03 by default. Therefore, the Real Time Graph object will be removed when converted to V2.14 due to the Fast Trend feature, which is not supported in V2.14.