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Cảm biến đo nhiệt độ (Temperature Sensors Fiber Optic) Geokon FP4700


The Model FP4700 Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors are designed for use in environments where high levels of electrical interference exist or where intrinsic safety is an issue. The FP4700 uses the temperature-dependent birefringence of a specially selected crystal as the temperature transduction mechanism. This crystal does not show thermal creep or aging as with some other fiber optic sensors.


Temperature Range¹ −40°C to +250°C

Resolution 0.1°C

Accuracy² ±1.0°C

Response Time 1.5 s typical

Operating Humidity Range 0-100%

Length × Diameter 50 × 4.8 mm (sensor)

¹The available operating range is dependent on cable type (please contact GEOKON. with temperature parameters).

²Total accuracy over the full range including both signal conditioner and sensor errors. Higher accuracy available on request.

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