Mô tả

Cảm biến đo độ ẩm nhiên liệu Campbell Scientific CS506-L


The CS506 is a fuel moisture sensor that measures the moisture content of the 26601 10-hour fuel moisture stick. The 26601 emulates the moisture content of similarly sized twigs on the forest floor. The CS506/26601 combination is used to assess forest fire fuel and is often incorporated in our prewired or custom fire-weather stations.

Note: The image shows a CS506 fuel moisture sensor attached to a 26601 fuel moisture stick. The 26601 is purchased separately.

Benefits and Features

  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • Companion product to CS205/107 fuel temperature sensor; can be mounted on the same stake
  • Can automatically monitor changing fuel conditions without having to visit the measurement site
  • Compatible telemetry options include spread spectrum radios, narrow-band radios, cellular phones, and satellite transmitters

Detailed Description

The CS506 reports the status of small-diameter (10-hour) forest fire fuels as percent moisture by weight (1%=1 g water/100 g dry fuel). It consists of an epoxy-encapsulated electronics package that uses time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technology to measure the moisture content of the 26601 10-hour Fuel Moisture Stick. The sensor produces a ±0.7 Vdc square-wave frequency that is read using an analog or pulse channel on a Campbell Scientific data logger. The data logger then converts the frequency measurement to percent fuel moisture via a quadratic calibration.


Operating Range 0 to 70% moisture content
Power Supply 5 to 18 Vdc
Enable Voltage
  • off at 0 Vdc (< 1 Vdc)
  • on at 5 Vdc (> 4 Vdc; maximum 18 Vdc)
Current Consumption
  • 65 mA (active)
  • 45 μA (quiescent)
Output Signal ±0.7 Vdc square wave (with an output frequency of approximately 31 to 58 kHz)
Dimensions 10.16 x 6.35 x 1.91 cm (4 x 2.5 x 0.75 in.)
Weight < 0.5 kg (< 1 lb)


Fuel Moisture Accuracy

0 to 10% Range
  • ±1.25% (worst case)
  • ±0.74% (RMS error)
10 to 20% Range
  • ±2% (worst case)
  • ±0.9% (RMS error)
20 to 30% Range
  • ±3.4% (worst case)
  • ±1.94% (RMS error)
30 to 50% Range
  • ±4.11% (worst case)
  • ±2.27% (RMS error)

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