Mô tả

Phần mềm thu thập và quản lý file dữ liệu từ Datalogger Geokon 8800-GNA


Agent makes the tasks of configuring hardware, monitoring sensors, collecting data, managing data files, and applying corrections easier and faster. Conversion of raw data to engineering units is done automatically. Data collected by Agent can viewed as text or as a graph, or it may be exported to several different file formats. Graphs can be customized to suit the user’s preferences and can be printed or saved in several image formats. Visual and audio alerts can be set to notify the user when specified data limits are exceeded. Exported data can be viewed as a spreadsheet, text file, or imported into other data management applications. Data export can be performed manually or set to automatically recur at user specified times or intervals.


Operating Systems Windows® 10, 8 or 7 running a 32- or 64-bit operating system

Memory Requirements 1 GB of free RAM (physical memory) available during run time

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