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Cách kết nối PLC Simulator với màn hình HMI/ Xpanel và phần mềm SCADA


Cách kết nối PLC Simulator với màn hình cảm ứng HMI/ Xpanel và phần mềm SCADA

1.CICION Simulator Setting

1. After creating new project, click [Tool] => [Connection Setup] and then select ‘PLC Simulator’ at the Type.

2. After making logic ladder, click [Tool] => [Run PLC Simulator]

3. Click ‘PLC OFF’ and click [Tool] => [PLC TYPE] to select modules.

If you have expansion Base, select number of Base at the Exp. Set.
According to number of module, select slot number.

4. Put your mouse on the slot and click right button of mouse and Module Set.

5. Select a module Type and Model.

6. After selecting modules, click ‘PLC ON’ and then click [Online] => [Connect] at the CICON.
Click [Download] to download all configuration and logic ladder to Simulator.

7. If download is completed, Card Properties has the same configuration with Simulator.

8. If you double click module at the Simulator, you can see the memory monitor just like CICON.

9. In order to turn Simulator off, Disconnect CICON from Simulator first.
Click [Online] => [Disconnect] at the CICON.

2. SCADA <CIMON D> Communication Setting

In order to connect UltimateAccess to CICON Simulator, ‘CIMON-PLC Ethernet’ must be set at the I/O Device.
1. Click [Tools] => [I/O Device] and then click [New Device]

2. Write a device name and select ‘CIMON-PLC Ethernet’.
3. Click [Add Station]

4. Write a Station name and select the same PLC CPU type that you set up at the CICON.
Write IP address ( is loopback IP address of CICON and Simulator)

5. Click [COM Port] and write at #1 IP Address and then click ‘Save’.

6. Click ‘Add COM Block’ at the Station.

7. Write ‘0’ at the Block number and select Address type and number of Word.
Example: (‘D’ is Word device and Word 50 means that address D0 to D49 can be used.)

8. Click [Save].

9. After communication setup, register tag at the DATABASE.
(Select I/O Device and Tag should be Real Tag)

10. After saving project, Run CimonX to communicate to CICON Simulator.
Click [tools] => [Run Project]
In order to check the communication status, click [View]  [Network Status] or [System Status] at the CimonX

3. XPANEL Designer Communication Setting

In order to connect XpanelDesigner to CICON Simulator, ‘CIMON-PLC’ must be set at the I/O Devices.

1. Click [Tools] => [I/O Devices] and then click [New Device].

2. Select ‘CIMON-PLC’ at the Device Type and click ‘Station’ to add station.

3. Click ‘Add Station’ and write Station Name and select the Station Type(CPU) that you set up at CICON.

Write IP Address of PC which CICON Simulator is running.
(Socket Port No. 10262 is default of HMI protocol for CICON Simulator.)

4. Click ‘Save’.

5. After communication setup, register tag at the DATABASE.
(Select I/O Device and Tag should be Real Tag)

6. Save the project and download it to XPANEL.
Click [Online] => [Download to XPANEL(PC => XPANEL)]

7. You can use USB or Ethernet type to download.
If you select ‘Ethernet’, click ‘Select Xpanel’ button to select IP Address of XPANEL which will be used.
You can find out XPANEL IP Address at the ‘Ethernet Loader’ on the XPANEL screen.

8. After downloading project, you can find out communication status at the XPANEL device(Comm Monitor)

If communication between XPANEL and Simulator is ok, TX and RX appear on the Frame Monitor one by one

9. You can also change the device value at the CICON and its value shows right on the XPANEL screen


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